Thursday, 19 July 2018

Doctor Who: Teasers and Trailers

After a long lack of Doctor Who news, we have suddenly had an influx of new information, interviews and images. Here is just a small selection of what we have had:

Any England Fans that were still sad after the World Cup defeat may have been cheered up by the Doctor Who Series 11 teaser that appeared during the half-time of the World Cup final. It's a fairly small tease but it is the first time viewers would have seen Ryan, Yasmin and Graham in action as well as our first televised scene of the Doctor in her costume. We see these companions going about their lives as the Doctor flits in and out mischievously. It did the job of showing ordinary people eating ordinary food whose lives are about to be tinkered with by the Doctor.

That tease was not all as later in the following week was the San Diego Comic Con panel which appeared to be very good. There was an amusing video of Jodie arriving, a new trailer and a short scene of Bradley Walsh. It was confirmed that there will definitely be a Christmas special.

The new teaser managed to make excitement for the show without giving anything away. It was mostly scenes of the Doctor and friends in interesting landscapes. The Doctor's final line, 'This is gonna be fun', is a much better line for a trailer than 'Same old, same old...' was for Series 9.

Another interesting bit of news from Comic Con is that the Daleks will not be appearing int he next series. This is good as they have been overused and need a rest. It should be more exciting when they do come back.