Monday, 24 February 2014

Introducing Danny Pink

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The BBC has announced that Samuel Anderson will be joining Doctor Who in Series 8 as the Coal Hill schoolteacher, Danny Pink, a new recurring character. It is not clear yet whether or not he will travel in the Tardis but given that the BBC has made an effort to announce him, it's likely he will have an important role to play in the series.

This news is not entirely unexpected. There have been rumours  going around for a while now that a new male character would be joining the crew. Since the Twelfth Doctor is going to be older then it makes sense to have a younger male lead who can be eye candy for the younger viewers.

I am happy about this. He looks pretty confident in the promo picture and I hope this is true of the character. It would be nice to have someone more self assured than Rory or Mickey were.  As much as I like both of those characters, the show needs to keep trying new thing to stay fresh. A lot of people had assumed that Tom, the teacher who appeared in The Day of the Doctor was going to be the new lead, but he wasn't as he just as gawky as Rory was.

Of course, it's possible that Danny will only be in the show for one series. If he's Clara's new love interest then it may lead Clara away from life on the Tardis . Whatever the case, I'm looking forward to seeing what this character will bring to Series 8.

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