Thursday, 9 July 2015

Doctor Who Series 9 Trailer

After months of very little Doctor Who news we're suddenly getting a load of exciting info at once. On top of the exciting lego news we also got a new trailer for Series Nine. 

There's a lot of creepy imagery int his trailer, from hands reaching out of the ground to strange palid people who appear to have no eyes. The tone would suggests that they're keeping the moe horror oriented element of Series Eight. This is good because I enjoyed the darker storytelling from last year and feel that it helped to differentiate Capaldi's era from the more fairy tale feel of Matt;s. 

One thing that does seem lighter is the Doctor himself. He is seen hugging Clara, playing the guitar in the picture above and grinning when he puts on his sunglasses This would follow on from his 'I'm riding a sleigh' moment from Last Christmas. But will this all come at a price?

Clara and Missy also appear in the trailer though it's nothing particularly new. I wonder how Clara will take to reuniting with the woman that caused Danny Pink's death?

Maisie Williams also makes an appearance at the very end in highway garb.

The new series will start on 19th September, which means the gap before the Christmas special will be shorter. This might risk diluting the Christmas special a bit so I hope they've planned for this.

Overall, the trailer's got me excited for the new series. 

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