Friday, 6 November 2015

Orphan Black 3x08: Ruthless in Purpose and Insidious in Method

It's been a while since viewers have been introduced to a new Leda clone . It's always a fun occasion when Tatiana Maslany gets to play a different character. The new clone in question is Krystal Goderitch, who was briefly introduced in episode one but not given very much detail. In this episode she inadvertently becomes part of a plot by Sarah and Felix to get Rachel out of the hospital in return for translating some of Ethan Duncan's book.

The scenes of Felix talking to Krystal are the best moments of the episode. When we first see Krystal she seems to be a shallow starts out seeming shallow but we see she is cleverer than she looks when she ascertains Felix' painting skills. Felix going to an American accent is funny. Crystal is left out of the clone club. It manages to be quite an affecting moments. Jordan Gavaris is also quite good in portraying Felix' scenes of tricking Crystal well. It's also nice to hear what is probably Jordan's real accent. Sarah is surpisingly more pragmatic.

Another great feature of the episode is that Alison's subplot is finally starting to integrate with the all the other subplots. She not only has to deal with control  of her new store, 'Bubbles', but also Helena, who has been taken in.. It's wonderful when the show mixes characters from different backgrounds. Psychotic Helena with the soccer mum family is brilliant. Helena teaching Alison's daughter how to fight was a hoot. A further complication for Alison is the rivalry between  Donnie and Jason. It boils to the point where Jason beats up Donnie. What the long term consequences will be for their drug business remain to be seen.

Events are also starting to escalate back at the Dyad Institute. Cosima's relationship with Dyad and Delphine is strained not only by  Shay visiting the Institute but also through Cosima's plan to get Rachel out using Scott's gaming group. This plan goes awry when Rachel goes missing.

There are hints of dark things to come when we see that Dr Cody and Castor clone Rudy have survived the explosion at the end of Certain Agony of the Battlefield. They are being advised by  government agent who was deciving Paul and there are suggestions that there is a force which is controlling both Castor and Leda. I'm not a great fan of the wheels behind wheels nature of conspiracy television and I prefer the character based moments of Orphan Black so I am hoping that any future reveal of these hidden force will make matters clearer rather than obscuring them further.

Overall this is a pretty fun and exciting episode. The series is now getting better and better.


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