Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Class: The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo

(Spoilers Ahead)

Second episodes can sometimes be much better at setting the tone of the series than the first.  For Tonight We Might Die struggled with having to introduce the main characters and tell an action-adventure story within a limited time. The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo, had much less to take on, and was better for it. The story had a better chance to breath. Instead of focusing on an entire group we get to focus on Ram's journey.

After the events of the prom, Ram has been struggling with the death of his girlfriend and also trying to play football with an artificial leg. Ram is the kind of character that would have no interest in Doctor Who in the real world, so it is interesting seeing someone like that having to adapt to a sci-fi/fantasy universe.This is ultimately a story of a young person recovering from trauma. It is well written by Patrick Ness and pulled off superbly in performance by Fady Elsayed.

Ram's football Coach, Dawson, has his own issues. He has bonded with a female dragon which takes the form of a tattoo in his body. He is now being hunted for by the dragon's mate while he personally uses his tattoo for power. The resolution of Ram persuading the dragon to adjust to his mate's new condition is an obvious parallel to the heroes events.

The other characters featured less prominently. Charlie and April taking a backseat to Ram's story while Matteusz was absent. Tanya got the best moments as she could relate to Ram's loss through the loss of her own father. Most of the comic relief went to Miss Quill in an amusing subplot involving an OFSTED inspector who turns out to be a robot which was eaten by the dragon. This was where most of the comedic bits went. There were also some nice digs at the education system.

There were still a few Doctor Who references in this episode, along with Ram holding a bat which is similar to the one Ace used in Remembrance of the Daleks. Sadly the headmaster, Mr Armitage, died in this episode. it was a shame because he was a likeable character. It will be interesting to see whether the new headmaster will be a more permanent fixture on the show, like Buffy's Principle Snyder to Principle Flutie. With less references it felt like Class was coming into its own though hopefully it won't entirely forget the parent show.

The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo was certainly a much better than the previous episode and is hopefully a sign of things to come.


1 comment:

  1. Có khá nhiều người thắc mắc các bệnh xã hội bây giờ bao gồm một số bệnh nào. Có rất đa dạng bệnh sinh dục nhưng chiếm tỉ lệ cao nhất là một vài bệnh; bệnh lậu, bệnh sùi mào gà, chlamydia, bệnh giang mai, mụn rộp sinh dục, hạ cam, rận mu, HIV/AIDS... Chính yếu một vài bệnh này có cấp độ ảnh hưởng khá cao, nhất là bệnh HIV/AIDS, bệnh giang mai, bệnh sùi mào. Hiện nay, ngoài bệnh lậu, bệnh rận mu thì chưa có bệnh nào có thuốc đặc trị. Việc khắc phục tình trạng bệnh lây nhiễm qua đường tình dục chính yếu là điều trị thay thế. Các bệnh này có thể tồn tại cả đời với người bệnh. Thành thử, việc quan trọng nhất để giảm thiểu bệnh xảy ra là chúng ta phải xây dựng một vài phương pháp bảo vệ an toàn.
