Saturday, 25 February 2017

Doctor Who: A Time for Heroes

It's great when Doctor Who has the short, specially made teaser trailers. While it's fun to see footage from upcoming episodes, it's always nice to see that the production team have spent time and effort creating something unique. The images from these trailers usually stick in the mind, like the Ninth Doctor running away from a fireball in the Series One trailer, the Tardis parked on an icy landscape on the Series Two trailer, or that weird scene of the Eleventh Doctor and Amy falling through the time vortex in the 3 trailer to Series Five. They've also produced memorable catchphrases to sum up their series, including 'a trip of a lifetime'  or 'all of time and space.' These trailers have become less frequent

The catchphrase this time round is 'A Time For Heroes', the heroes in question being the Doctor, Bill and Nardole. Bill gets to provides the narration for this trailer which is good. The companion should be the viewpoint character and this is something that was a bit lost with Clara. Bill's little speech successfully gets across all the little aspects of travelling with the Doctor. He can be dangerous but also, more importantly, fun. The way she smiles at the Doctor suggests that she is certainly going to be having a great time, which may help the audience to have one as well.

The Twelfth Doctor looks grim and determined. When he uses his sonic screwdriver to blow up a lamp bulb, it suggests someone you can cross at your peril.Seeing him here, I once again feel disappointed that we are only thirteen episodes away from his departure. Although this incarnation has mellowed since Deep Breath, it is a relief to see see that his dark side may not have disappeared completely.

With the emphasis being on Bill and the Doctor, Nardole doesn't get much to do here other than look terrified at his surroundings. I'm fine with that as long as there's more to him in the series proper The Return of Dr Mysterio showed that the character had a more inciteful side, which I hope will continue to be developed.

The trailer ends with a blue energy field rushing towards our heroes. Inside that field appear to be the faces of monsters who will be turning up. Among them seems to be a variant of Ice Warrior, who's return was announced earlier this month. There is rumored to be some kind of Ice Warrior Queen, which should be an interesting new addition.

It was short and sweet but certainly made Series Ten look more promising. If it's better than the lacklustre advertisign campaign of Series Nine then it will have done right in my book.

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