Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Seattle International Films: Pentagon West (Is There a Doctor In the House?)

Pentagon West isn't quite a Doctor Who film. Having completed two Doctor Who films, Ryan K Johnson was looking to make a TV pilot for a science fiction show. He ultimatey decided to put the Doctor and Carl in it. So this is an pisode of Pentagon West which just happens to have the Doctor in it.

Pentagon West is the story about a group of grad students. Their mentor, Doctor Komar, has completed his project but is becoming strangely reclusive and not allowing them access. The students investigate and run into the mysterious Doctor and her friend Carl, who are investigating Komar's experiments.

The student characters are a fairly decent bunch. Robin is the apparent leader of the group, being the most reasonable. Dr Komar is played as an eccentric scientist. He even has an eastern European accent.

The Doctor and Carl are not in most of it, but Barbara Benedetti and Randy Rogel still steal the screen when they are in it.

The story is very talky. The music is home made this time around. A big improvement. The opening sequence is a little abrupt but it is so much better to hear a special conditioned soundtrack to having theme bits stuck in.


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