Thursday, 5 October 2017

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1x02: The Harvest

Last week's episode set up the characters. This week we get the actual story.

Buffy is able to overcome Luke with the Chekhov's cross that Angel gave her. She and Xander and Willow take refuge in the library. This is where Giles is able to give a big speech about the power of monsters. Buffy vows to get Jesse back.

Buffy returns to the crypt to search for Jesse and Xander obsessively comes with her. They descend into the sewers where they find Jesse has become the vampire and they flee

All the while, Giles and Willow have been working out about the Harvest, an event where a vessel will devour the blood that will power the Master's freedom.

Buffy and the others head to the Bronze where the harvest happens. Xander kills Jesse. Willow injures Darla and Buffy kills Luke, thus leaving the Master trapped.

Angel only appears briefly but doesn't really help. He warns her about the Harvest but Giles could probably have found this information in his book. It feels as though he was only in the episode because he had to be.

The direction is good. The final act at the Bronze is nice and moody.

Overall this is a promising episode. Everything is set up and anyone would c

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